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    modeling / inversion

    Geophysical Reinterpretation to Identify New Drill Targets of the Round Top Cu-Mo-Ag Deposit, Illinois Creek District

    Publisher – Zonge, 2010. Presented at the 2010 Alaska Miner’s Association Convention, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Miner, 2011.  Authors – Kit Marrs, Western Alaska Copper & Gold Company; Nicole Pendrigh, Zonge Engineering, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Scott Urquhart, Zonge Engineering, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. Paper – (includes images) [pdf] MIN_GP_Reinterpretation_of_Round_Top_v02-24-11 Article – [pdf] MIN_AMA-January Geophysical Reinterpretation_article Abstract

    Shallow Marine MASW: A Case History

    Published – SAGEEP, 2009. ASCE GeoFlorida Conference proceedings, 2010. Authors – JB Shawver, Zonge Geosciences, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. Alex Fisher, FMG Engineering, Rapid City, South Dakota, U.S.A. Choon Park, Park Seismic LLC, Shelton, Connecticut, U.S.A. Paper – [pdf] 2009 Sageep MASW offest method- Park Shawver Paper – [pdf] 2010 GeoFlorida -Shawver-Fisher-Park2_shallow marine MASW Abstract

    4D microgravity method for waterflood surveillance: Part IV – Modeling and interpretation of early epoch 4D gravity surveys at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska

    Publisher – Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 6, Nov. – Dec. 2008; Pgs. WA173–WA180. Authors – Jennifer L. Hare, Zonge Engineering & Research Organization, Inc., Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.; John F. Ferguson, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, U.S.A.; Jerry L. Brady, BP Exploration Alaska, Inc., Anchorage,Alaska, U.S.A. Article – [pdf] […]

    Detection and Identification of North-South Trending Magnetic Structures Near the Magnetic Equator

    Publisher – European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 2000. Presented at the 61st EAGE Conference — Geophysical Division, Helsinki, Finland, June 1999. Authors – Les P. Beard*, Geological Survey of Norway Paper – [pdf] MagStructures_near_magnetic_equator_GeopProsp_LPB_2000. Abstract

    Using Analytic Signal Analysis On Aeromagnetic Data To Constrain AMT Inversions, San Pedro River Basin, Sonora, Mexico

    Publisher — Zonge. Authors — J.C. Wynn, US Geological Survey, Vancouver, Washington; Floyd Gray, US Geological Survey, Tucson, Arizona; T.E. Nordstrom, Dexin Liu, E.V. Reed, Zonge Engineering, Tucson, Arizona; F.A. Villaseñor, SEMARNAT, Cananea, Mexico; Gerry Connard, NGA Inc., Corvallis, Oregon Paper — [pdf] AMT_Inversion_with_AeroMAG Abstract