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    target characterization

    Identification of Unexploded Ordnance from Clutter Using Neural Networks

    Publisher – EEGS, 2008 Authors – Anna Szidarovszky*, Zonge Engineering and Research Organization, Tucson, Arizona; Mary Poulton, University of Arizona, Department of Mining Engineering, Tucson, Arizona; Scott C. MacInnes*, Zonge Engineering and Research Organization, Soldotna, Alaska Paper – [pdf] UXO_IDfrClutter_NeuralNetworks Abstract

    UXO Classification Using Characteristic Modes of the Broadband Electromagnetic Induction Response

    Publisher – Zonge, 1999, 2000.  Variations of this paper have been presented at the following conferences: 1. A New Technology Applications Conference on the Science and Technology of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Removal and site Remediation. Maui, Hawaii, November 8-11, 1999. 2. SAGEEP 2000, Arlington, Virginia, February 20-24, 2000 (Proceedings, p. 747) 3. Pacific Environmental Restoration […]

    Poster: Improved Methods for Detection and Classification of UXO Using Broadband Transient Electromagnetic Techniques

    Publisher – Zonge, 2004. Authors – Donald D. Snyder III, Snyder Geoscience, Inc.; Scott C. MacInnes*, Kenneth L. Zonge, Jennifer L. Hare*, Zonge Engineering and Research Organization, Inc., Tucson, Arizona; Mary M. Poulton, Department of Mining and Geological Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Poster Series – [pdf] TEMposterA   TEMposterB   TEMposterC Panel A:   NanoTEM® – A System for Fast […]

    Poster: Demonstrations of a Fast 4D TEM System for UXO Characterization

    Publisher  – Zonge, 2002. Authors – Dr. Donald D. Snyder, David C. George, Dr. Jennifer Hare*, Dr. Scott C. MacInnes*, Dr. Kenneth L. Zonge, Zonge Engineering and Research Organization, Inc., Tucson, Arizona Poster Series – [pdf] NanoTEM_Development2002_1   NanoTEM_Development2002_2   NanoTEM_Development2002_3 Panel 1:  Evolution of NanoTEM® – A System for Fast Multi-Channel TEM Data Acquisition; What’s Fast TEM? Panel 2:  Demonstrations […]

    Early-Time, Multi-Component, Mobile TEM for Deep Metal Detection

    “This paper was the start of development of the system that became the Dynamic NanoTEM™ transceiver. We realized very early that there was a significant value in collecting a large time bandwidth and several receiver orientations. Use of numerous time windows and multiple receiver orientations allowed Zonge to develop some of the first discrimination technologies used in […]

    The Utility of Horizontal Component Measurements in Random-walk TEM Surveys

    Publisher — Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS), 2003 SAGEEP proceedings. Authors — Norman R. Carlson, Kenneth L. Zonge, Zonge Engineering & Research Organization, Tucson, AZ. Paper — [pdf] ENV_TEM_HorizontalComponentsSAGEEP2003 Abstract