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    Application of Geotomography at the Monks Hollow Damsite, Utah

    Publisher –
    SEG, 1991

    Author –
    Phil Sirles*, Seismotectonics and Geophysics Section, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado

    Paper – [pdf] DAMS_Sirles_1991_Application_of_Geotomography_at_the_Monks_Hollow_Damsite

    An integrated seismic investigation at the Monks hollow damsite demonstrated the importance of concomitant field engineering studies and wide-aperture geophysical testing to assess, define, and quantify the lateral and vertical extent of variable rock strength present in an abutment for a proposed arch dam. Seismic common offset, refraction and tomography surveys were conducted within the right abutment adit and on the ground surface. The surveys defined the lateral extent of low moduli rock, associated with jointing, faulting, and poor cementation; and also identified the presence of high moduli material, indicative of well cemented and unfractured rock.
    During the summer of 1989, a multipurpose geophysical program was implemented at the
    Monks Hollow Damsite located approximately 30 miles southeast of Provo, Utah. Extensive geological and geophysical investigations were undertaken to better define rock mass properties within the entire foundation. Due to an abrupt termination of the Monks Hollow project, a comprehensive analysis of the field data was not possible. The following is a summary of the geophysical investigations performed to assess the character of the right abutment.