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    Poster: Induced Polarization: Buried Landfill Delineation


    Induced polarization (IP) and resistivity can be very useful tools in mapping environmental features such as buried landfills, but the survey speeds and pseudosection interpretations have been drawbacks. New multi- channel receivers with computer-controlled multiplexers now allow extremely fast data acquisition, and two- dimensional smooth-model inversion (with topography) provides realistic geo-electric cross sections. The data set below consists of three overlapping spreads of dipole-dipole data, each consisting of 236 data points. The reciprocal of each data point was also read (with the transmitter and receiver dipoles reversed), resulting in a total of 1,416 data points, providing measurements at n=0.5 to n=6 at 0.5n increments. A field crew of three was able to acquire this data in about 4 hours.