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    Seismic Reflection


    A hammer blow or explosive charge (the shot) generates a shock wave which travels through the earth and is reflected by disconti-nuities in earth materials. Energy received at the surface (by an array of sensors or geophones) is analyzed for the location of the reflecting interfaces and the velocity of the materials between them.

    Geologic Model

    Layered geologic strata with abrupt velocity and/or density changes at the boundaries. Non-planar boundaries between homogeneous layers.


    A. A reasonable source: 
    sledge hammer and metal plate
    accelerated weight drop
    controlled vibration source

    B. Low ambient noise: stay away from:
    all-night gravel processors
    interstate highways
    busy airports
    surface access offset shots at ends of lines
    geophone placements
    homogeneous surface

    C. Ground truth:
    drill holes
    well logs
    water table location

    D. Favorable geometry:
    isolated interface of interest
    sufficient depth
    sufficient frequency content

    E. Experienced processor:
    experience in processing and interpreting shallow seismic as opposed to deep seismic for petroleum exploration


    For near surface (<100m) it is difficult (not impossible, difficult) to generate high enough frequencies to discriminate useful targets. The velocities are poorly determined, though the relative placement of the interfaces is superb. Multiples and refractions can be mistaken for real interfaces.


    Crew size is generally 3-5 persons. Larger sources and multiple sets of equipment are usually employed to stack the data and improve quality. Driving the line is the rule rather than the exception. Line location and actual site elevations are done by surveying or GPS.


    Plan maps of line locations, a flow chart of the processing scheme, seismic cross-sections in time and depth, a geologic interpretation of the work done.

    Contact us for a free consultation.