Antennas / Induction Magnetometers
for Geophysical Surveys
Zonge manufactures sensitive, permeable-core coils designed specifically for making field measurements associated with TEM, CSAMT, AMT and MT geophysical surveys, all of which require measuring one or more components of the magnetic field.
Each of these extremely compact coils is built with the low-noise, low-power, and thermal stability necessary for geophysical investigations and is tailored to meet the requirements of a particular application.
Unrivaled sensor noise levels
Due to feedback amplifier technology and carefully designed mu-metal cores, the sensor noise levels from Zonge’s ANT/4, ANT/5 and ANT/6 magnetic field coils are unrivaled, in many cases comparable to that of costly liquid helium magnetometers.
Specifications_Zonge Antenna Noise Levels
TEM/3 Magnetic Antenna
A single-channel, magnetic-field antenna. Multiple units can be used simultaneously to measure multiple axes. The TEM/3 can be used inside or outside the transmitting loop for transient measurements. Frequency calibrations are provided for harmonic and single-frequency applications.
Specifications TEM/3
Porous Pots
Ceramic, copper/copper-sulfate, non-polarizing electrodes for low-noise detection of electric fields. Weight: 0.5 kg (l lb).
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