AntennasMagnetic SensorsThe TEM, CSAMT, AMT and MT methods require the measurement of one or more components of the magnetic field (or its time derivative) as a function of frequency and/or time. Zonge has designed sensitive permeable-core coils (induction magnetometers) specifically for making the required magnetic field measurements associated with the aforementioned EM methods. These rugged and extremely compact coils represent the state-of-the-art in induction magnetometers for geophysical measurements of controlled and natural field signals. With the advent of high dynamic range receivers, such as the GDP-32II, the importance of high quality magnetic field sensors has increased. Zonge manufactures a complete range of induction coil based magnetic field detectors, each tailored to the requirements of a particular application Low-noise, low-power, and thermal stability are important design objectives, in magnetic sensors for geophysical exploration. The Zonge sensors meet these objectives. The magnetic sensors meet these objectives. The magnetic sensors we manufacture and their corresponding application are listed in the table. Please click on the below links for more specific information on our magnetic sensors: Note: move your mouse over an image to display a MEDIUM size version, [Specs PDF:449k] Ant-5, 6, 4 [Paper PDF: 133k] Antenna Noise Comparison [Specs PDF: 233k] Tem-3 |